The successes of Walter and Marianne Kaiser were of course noticed everywhere: not only in England and Germany, where they danced most of their competitions and championships and in their home country Switzerland, no, much was written and said about them in all Europe, in Australia, Japan, South Africa, the U.S.A., etc., in all traditional ballroom countries. Photos of the Kaisers could be found on many front pages of dance magazines, e.g. on the "Tanz Illustrierte" (March 1962), a German monthly dance magazine, or the Japanese "the dance and music" (September 1964), a monthly dance journal.
The Kaisers on TV
At home, in Switzerland, the Kaisers produced over many years (1961-65) regular and very popular dance classes on TV. This must have been the absolute highlight in the history of the Swiss dancing schools. As a result not only the Kaiser’s own dancing school went from strength to strength but the whole Swiss dance scene gained tremendously and dancing became very popular.
The feedback was incredible. Many wrote to Walter Kaiser, and he read some of the letters during the dance classes to the TV-audience. One of the feedbacks he liked most was a letter from an old people’s home where everybody was also dancing, singing and swinging according to Walter Kaiser’s instructions. The feedback in the press for the results, the dancing school and the TV-show of Walter and Marianne Kaiser was overwhelming, and deservedly so!
1961 - 1965: Dance Classes on TV
World Professional Latin-American Champions 1965!
The World Championship took place on 26th April 1965 at the Empire Pool in Wembley / London. The judges, the experts, the spectators and the press shared one opinion: Walter and Marianne Kaiser were the deserved and clear winners!
"They were clearly and far better than the Irvines!" ("Tanz Illustrierte" May 1965).
The results: 1st Walter and Marianne Kaiser, Switzerland
2nd Bill and Bobbie Irvine, England
3rd Robert and Marguerite O’Hara, England
4th Siegfried and Anneliese Krehn, Germany
5th Pieter van Reenen and Rosalie Meister, South Africa
6th Wolfgang and Evelyn Opitz, Germany
World Professional Latin American Champions
1965: Walter and Marianne Kaiser, Switzerland
Bad News
It has already been mentioned: the great successes of Walter and Marianne Kaiser had a great impact on their business life as well as their private life. Their popularity grew from day to day and, as world number one of the Latin American dances, they were sought personalities by promoters, organisers, journalists, etc. The world was open to them and expected very much from them, perhaps too much?
With an incredible enthusiasm and dedication Walter and Marianne Kaiser tried to cover everything in the best possible way: their dancing career, their dancing school and their private life. A long time they managed to do it very successfully. At the pinnacle of their career they failed.
In summer 1965, between the World Championship in April 1965 and the European Championship in October 1965, they divorced…
Marianne Kaiser
European Professional Latin American Champions 1965!
The European Professional Latin American Championship 1965 took place on 23rd October 1965 in Berlin. Many newspapers reported about the last success of Walter and Marianne Kaiser:
(Explanation: the last name of Walter and Marianne Kaiser translated into English means "Emperor". This is one of the reasons why some journalists sometimes used titles like "Kings" to describe the fantastic results of the Kaisers, which were more than deserved!)
Nacht Depesche / Night News / 24th October 1965: "A splendid Evening – Berlin (L.B.-EB). Last night the 'Deutschlandhalle' was almost completely packed when the European Professional Latin American Championship 1965 was held. The Swiss couple Walter and Marianne Kaiser were victorious, a couple with admirable ease, grace and elegance – they had already won the World Championship this year…"
(Original German version: "Ein glanzvoller Abend - Berlin (L.B.-EB). Fast bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt war gestern Abend die Deutschlandhalle, als die Europameisterschaft 1965 der Professionals in den lateinamerikanischen Tänzen ausgetragen wurde. Den Sieg nahm das Schweizer Paar Walter und Marianne Kaiser mit nach Hause, ein Paar, das mit bewundernswerter Leichtigkeit, Grazie und Eleganz den ersten Platz ertanzte – die Weltmeisterschaft hatten sie in diesem Jahr bereits errungen. Jugendsenator Neubauer überreichte den Ehrenpreis der Stadt Berlin...")
Berliner Morgenpost / Morning Mail of Berlin / 25th October 1965: "The Kings on the Floor – Walter and Marianne Kaiser from Switzerland were the Kings on the floor in the 'Deutschlandhalle' last Saturday. They clearly won the European Professional Championship, received the Honorary Prize awarded by the Senate of Berlin and Mrs. Kaiser was chosen as the most charming dancer by the people of Berlin…"
(Original German version: "Könige auf dem Parkett - Walter und Marianne Kaiser aus der Schweiz waren am Sonnabend in der Deutschlandhalle die Könige auf dem Parkett. Sicher gewannen sie die Europameisterschaft der Profis, holten sich den Ehrenpreis des Senats und konnten sich ausserdem in der Auszeichnung sonnen, dass Frau Kaiser von den Berlinern zur scharmantesten Turnier-Tänzerin gewählt wurde...")
Bild Zeitung (German boulevard press), 25th October 1965: "The Kaisers were the Kings – The favourites of the Berlin public, Walter and Marianne Kaiser from Switzerland, became 'the Kings' – European Professional Latin American Champions – on Saturday, in the sold out 'Deutschlandhalle".
(Original German version: "Kaisers waren die Könige - Die Lieblinge des tanzbegeisterten Berliner Publikums, Walter und Marianne Kaiser aus der Schweiz, wurden am Sonnabend in der ausverkauften Deutschlandhalle 'Könige' – Europameister der Professionals in den lateinamerikanischen Tänzen...")
Der Abend / The Evening / 25th October 1965: "Switzerland danced to the Top – The European Latin American Champions met once again in Berlin. Thousands of fascinated dance enthusiasts followed the Championship in the 'Deutschlandhalle'. Walter and Marianne Kaiser, the reigning World Professional Latin American Champions, were once again victorious for Switzerland…"
(Original German version: "Die Schweiz tanzte sich an die Spitze - Europas Meisterpaare in lateinamerikanischen Tänzen gaben sich ein Rendezvous und wieder einmal in Berlin. Tausende von Tanzsportbegeisterten verfolgten gespannt in der Deutschlandhalle den Wettkampf um die Europameisterschaft der Professionals. Walter und Marianne Kaiser, Weltmeister im latein-amerikanischen Tanz, errangen auch diesmal für die Schweiz den Sieg...")
Spandauer Volksblatt / People’s Journal of Spandau, 26th October 1965: "Dance for the Title – Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Paso Doble… the Swiss couple Walter and Marianne Kaiser was unbeatable on the weekend. The 'Deutschlandhalle' was packed and the two became the European Professional Latin American Champions. No wonder, they had already won the World Professional Latin American title…"
(Original German version: "Tanz um Titel - Beim Rumba, Cha-Cha-Cha und Paso Doble war das Schweizer Ehepaar Walter und Marianne Kaiser am Wochenende nicht zu schlagen. In der vollbesetzten Deutschlandhalle wurden die beiden Europameister der Professionals in den lateinamerikanischen Tänzen. Kein Wunder, denn auch die Weltmeisterschaft in den lateinamerikanischen Rhythmen konnten sie sich bereits ertanzen…")
English Dance Journal / 1965: "European Professional Championship in the Latin American Dances - The success of this 1965 European Championship, and of so many other international events which have been held in Berlin during the past few years, is incredible. Over 17,000 people had bought tickets two weeks before the night and the vast but attractively decorated hall was packed to its very high ceiling! … Walter and Marianne Kaiser of Switzerland, after a quiet start, were superb in the final…"
Walter and Marianne Kaiser are seen in action above, winning the European Professional Latin American Championship. Below the judges are in no doubt about the Swiss couple’s supremacy in this dance!
Blick (Swiss boulevard press), 25th October 1965: "Another Championship Title for the Kaisers – the last? – On the last weekend the Swiss dance couple Walter and Marianne Kaiser proved that even after a divorce one can dance harmoniously and champion-like. In the ‘Deutschlandhalle’ of West Berlin the Kaisers won the European Professional Latin American Championship. Was this the last great dance of the ‘Empress’ from Zurich? A month ago she had declared that Berlin is going to be the last championship she would dance with her ex-husband. In the meantime we have been informed that Marianne is not going to be the new partner of Karl Breuer, the (Amateur) Champion from Cologne, who himself is searching for a new dance partner after his divorce from his wife and partner Ursula. Karl Breuer said in Cologne that Marianne is going to marry again. Overseas. The man of her choice is obviously not a dancer. Is Marianne going to teach him? She says nothing about it. The TV-spectators as well will miss the Kaisers. The dance classes on TV are called off. Forever."
(Original Swiss version: "Noch ein Meistertitel für die Kaisers – der letzte? - Dass man auch nach einer Scheidung noch harmonisch und europameisterlich miteinander tanzen kann, bewies am Wochenende das Schweizer Tanzpaar Walter und Marianne Kaiser. In der Westberliner Deutschlandhalle holten sich die Kaisers den Europameistertitel der Berufstänzer in den lateinamerikanischen Tänzen. Wird es der letzte grosse Tanz der „Kaiserin“ aus Zürich sein? Schon vor einem Monat hatte sie Blick erklärt, dass sie in Berlin zum letzten Mal an der Seite ihres Ex-Mannes tanzen werde. Inzwischen ist aber auch durchgesickert, dass Marianne nicht die neue Partnerin des Kölner Meistertänzers Karl Breuer wird, der seit der Scheidung von seiner Frau und Partnerin Ursula einen charmanten Ersatz fürs Parkett sucht. Marianne werde, so erklärte Karl Breuer in Köln, wieder heiraten. Nach Übersee. Ihr Auserwählter soll kein Tänzer sein. Ob Marianne ihm das Tanzen beibringen wird? Marianne schweigt zu allem. Auch die tanzfreudigen TV-Zuschauer werden die Kaisers in Zukunft missen. Ihr Tanzunterricht „Darf ich bitten“ fällt aus. Für immer." - G. U.
Walter and Marianne Kaiser were not only missed by the TV spectators but by live spectators, experts and friends as well.
Kit Hallewell wrote about Blackpool 1965: "The British Professional Latin American Championship - the great disappointment was that Walter and Marianne Kaiser, although entered, were unable to appear and therefore robbed us of a rare tussle with the O’Haras…"
European Professional Latin American Champions
1965: Walter and Marianne Kaiser, Switzerland